2018年12月17日1 分鐘Presentation at 2018 American Anthropological AssoicationThe paper <Chronotopic diversity and aesthetic resistance in the practice of Taiwan indigenous contemporary art> will be presented at AAA...
2018年8月11日1 分鐘Artist in residency at New York Residency UnlimitedFrom July 1st - Oct 31st, Lee Tzu Tung will be a residency artist at New York Residency Unlimited.
2017年12月25日2 分鐘Political and Epistemological Justice in the Practice of Decolonizing Contemporary Art 藝術是如何在族群中書寫?From the beginning of 2018,a series of tour speeches, screenings and workshops are hold under the theme of decolonizing contemporary art....
2017年11月29日1 分鐘Lee Tzu Tung presenting at <American Anthropological Association>On 11/6 6:15 - 8:15 pm, I will have a poster presentation on < Political and Epistemological Justice in the Practice of Decolonizing...
2017年10月20日1 分鐘Recruiting <OTD Indigenous Podcast> Volunteers【海台青原民台・志工招募 】#網路參與節目規劃 Have you seen our channels before? In the previous month, we have discussed the land authority issue, racial and...
2017年10月1日1 分鐘Residency at Cepo Art Center10/07-11/20 我在大港口駐村,剪輯完成<時差書寫>,也歡迎朋友來找我玩。Dear friends, welcome to visit me at Cepo' Artist Residency, Makota'ay indigenous community.